NOTE: Registration is limited to company membership only; not for individual employees within a specific company

STEP 1: Please fill out the information on the form below.

STEP 2: Select your preferred payment option. If you choose the single payment option, your payment is requested by February 28th. If you wish to utilize the two-part payment option, the first 50% installment is requested by February 28th and the final installment by June 30th.

STEP 3: Click on the Submit button at the bottom of this page to move to the next step.

Please click the below link to view the SBO membership package that provides a detailed view of what you will receive with our membership.

Membership Benefits

  • Webinars – Conducted several times per year to assist in educating and informing members on timely and pertinent safety, regulatory and industry issues and initiatives. These webinars offer learning opportunities to all staff from the comfort and convenience of any location – workplaces, boardrooms, training rooms, home offices.
  • Website – Login ability to gain insight into important industry and member information.
    Newsletter and Eblasts – Regular image-building opportunities in the electronic newsletter providing the industry’s latest issues and trends impacting daily business in the student transportation industry.
  • Membership Directory – Exposure to a powerful resource that lists key industry decision-makers and contact information across the province.
  • Regulatory Advocacy and Issue Management – The Safety and Legislation Team (Alex Bugeya and Robert Monster) continually represents its members’ interests and successfully advises the government regarding many issues affecting the student transportation industry.
  • Government Advocacy and Partnerships – Ongoing advocacy on behalf of all members with one strong, collective, professional voice. Highly respected and called upon by the government for industry advice, the Association supports all members in a proficient manner with the Ministries of Education, Transportation, Government Services, and numerous other provincial and federal bodies. Advocacy efforts focus on accomplishing student transportation funding sustainability; proficient and transparent competitive procurement practices; overall changes to student transportation governance and administration; industry cost-saving opportunities and standardized requirements for service levels; and long-term, sustainable solutions that will address school bus driver wages, recruitment and retention.
  • Professional Instructor in Driver Education (P.R.I.D.E.) Program – This one-of-a-kind program teaches fleet driver instructors how to properly train new and seasoned drivers. Members receive a discounted rate for any participants they send to the training program.
  • Ontario Transportation Expo (OTE) – The largest busing show in Canada, this conference and trade show is a joint event organized by three partnering associations – School Bus Ontario (SBO), the Ontario Motor Coach Association (OMCA), and the Ontario Public Transit Association (OPTA). A unique opportunity for bus operators and industry suppliers to get together and explore ways to grow and improve the busing industry.
  • SBO Publications – Members receive a discounted rate for publication orders (e.g. log books, hours of service books, PMVI Inspection Reports, and Proof of Brake Inspection Forms.

Tariff Update

With U.S. President Trump’s announcements this week about a 25% tariff on steel and aluminum, it is vitally important that the student transportation sector in Ontario is not forgotten in upcoming talks about retaliatory tariffs.  Should the federal and provincial governments retaliate, SBO wants to ensure that our collective voices are heard.  Retaliatory tariffs could be very harmful to us and we are asking members to please send a letter to the federal and provincial representatives, asking that our sector be exempt from any retaliatory tariffs.  There are suggested template letters attached but please feel free to edit as needed.

You can find your MP here. You can also find the email templates attached below.

Since we are in the midst of a provincial election, the legislative assembly is dissolved so it would be best to address the Premier, Doug Ford whose email is in the template letter.

Making use of the many programs and services offered by the Association is an excellent opportunity to continue building professional and operational success in your organization.

For questions or assistance, please contact Katie Kersten at