Retention and Recruitment Bonus
Fall 2024
The eligibility criteria for the R & R have changed from the former Driver Retention Program (DRP) and each consortia has different rules and the application of the bonus is different in each area as well:
- There are no more exception application forms for drivers. This means if a driver has a legitimate reason for missing work, such as an illness or injury, they may not be eligible for the bonus. Each region is applying this rule differently.
- The payments are based upon routes, not individual drivers (most areas.)
- Some consortia are pro rating the bonus to a daily rate; drivers who show up and drive the assigned route receive the pro rated amount each pay.
- Some consortia are paying the bonus in installments of $800 for the September to December period and $1,200 for the January to June period. Others are keeping the same $1,000 and $1,000 for each pay period.
- Payroll deductions to cover EI, CPP, WSIB, etc., are being flowed through to operators. Deductions at source result in an overall lower amount being received by drivers when the bonus is paid out; but, once taxes are completed each year, reconciliation will occur. Drivers need to be made aware of this.
- Some consortia have a rule that the driver must be employed by the same employer at the time of the disbursement of the cheque.
Please also note, School Bus Ontario is no longer involved in the program and all questions about the rules must be directed to the school bus companies or the consortia.